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1:1 Personal Trainer in Bristol, in private studio

and online personal training

Personal Training in Bristol with Bristol personal training again
Personal Training in Bristol with Bristol personal training
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(has since qualified for international Strongwoman)

(Now 7-0 undefeated)

dave before_after watermark after personal training bristol
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mo overhead after personal training bristol
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"Henry helped me increase
my speed, power and
strength so I could achieve
my dream of being payed to play football."

bsn2022 tom deadlift after personal training bristol
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"After training with BPT, I entered
& won my first Strongman comp,
placing 1st in 4 events & 2nd
in the 5th. I competed at a
level up the next year,
where I also podiumed"

12 week transformationS

“For me going here for my training is one of the best decisions I've ever made!” – George

“I’ve made more noticeable progress in the last few months with Bristol Personal Trainer,
than in the last few years before this.” – Jimmy

"In 3 months I dropped bodyfat percentage by approx 10% (about 9kg), whilst gaining several kilos of muscle, & increasing weight added to chin ups & dips by over 20kg" – John

Overcoming obstacles

Be it bad posture at work, old injuries, stress tension or accidents, unforeseen issues can crop up and become a barrier to achieving your goals.
These don't need to stop you.
Henry has years of knowledge to ease pain & strengthen weak areas, through sports massage and soft tissue work, stretching, and corrective exercise.

Jack deadlift top bsn23 after personal training bristol
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“Just a few months ago it hurt deadlifting just the bar and 20 plates; now after training with B.P.T I've just podiumed at my first strongman comp, deadlifting 237.5kg with no pain at all .”

- jack

“A shoulder injury meant I couldn't lift my own arm up to even shoulder height when I started training with BPT. Now I'm able to do heavy overhead presses and chin ups.”

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Frazer knee testimonial after personal training bristol
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“Despite multiple scans and seeing several specialists, I had knee pain for years. After training with Henry, it’s now stronger and pain free.”




11 Marsh Lane



© 2024 Henry Roy, Bristol Personal Trainer

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